Sunday, December 20, 2009

winter solstice

Turning earth, you have brought us today to the shortest day of the year.
Your back turned to the sun, we live in slant light this morning.
The air is cold. The sky is gray.
Night is already gathering and will come upon us quickly.

Some of us, too, this morning, are feeling cold and gray.
Disappointed with ourselves and with the circumstances of the world,
we, too, have turned our backs to the sources of light and life.
Doubtful about the future, and despairing of our faith, we, too, sense a long night gathering.

But winter knows nothing of disappointment, doubt, or despair.
Winter relaxes with needed rest and gathering of resources.
The life that will bloom in April lies safe in your womb.
The snow settling on your shoulders will melt into the water we need for August.

Cherish this season to slow down and rest.
Enjoy the warmth of friends all the more for the chill outside.
Pause to name what bright possibility grows within you.
Use the quiet to gather resources that we will spend all next year.

Today we light our candles, loving the darkness.
Today we sing our carols, loving the quiet.
Today we share our gifts of abundance, loving the empty spaces of a winter landscape.
And we give thanks for all of the Earth’s times and moods and for our own changing seasons of life.

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