Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Individual and Community

Spirit of Life and Love that dwells within each of us and flows through all things.

Help us to meet you in that true core of our being. Help us to find that true self of the self where we participate in the Divine. Help us to claim identity with that Atman that is also the Brahman. Help us to be what we know we are but resist:

that person of love, that person of grace, that person without fear, that compassionate one, that wise one, that courageous one, that teacher, giver, lover and friend. Help us to release the prisoner of our true self from the cage of misery and fear where we keep it hidden.

And then, releasing ourselves, help us to meet you again in the world around us. Help us to see your holy face in the faces of everyone we meet. Help us to claim identity with the Brahman, the god of all existence, that manifests itself in all things including ourselves.

Help us to be what we know we are but resist: the god of love, the god of grace, the compassionate, wise and courageous spirit that surrounds and fills us. Let us be channels of your spirit moving through us to others, from yourself, back to yourself. Ever with you, ever a part of you. Holinees to holiness. One divine spirit blessing itself.

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