Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sacred Space

Spirit of light. Spirit of Power. Spirit of Inspiration, Joy and Peace.

We thank you for this special time to be together this morning. We thank you for creating a Sabbath of time, where for this hour, we can bring our lives to the chalice of this community and find our burdens lifted and our troubles eased. We thank you for a place to bring our sorrows as well as our joys, our fears as well as our hopes. We feel again this morning the gift of healing moving through our bodies, the stilling of our restless thoughts, and the much-needed embrace of a community that loves us as we are.

Thank you for all the sacred spaces in our lives. For rooms, like this one, where we find our spirits activated, where we remember, once again, that we are not isolated beings, but connected, physically and spiritually to all existence. Where we remember as Universalists, that the universe is not unfeeling, but constructed from bonds of love. Where we remember, as Unitarians, that we have the power to participate in building the better future we seek.

We pray, in all you holy names, and in every way you are imagined and perceived.


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