Wednesday, October 7, 2009

prayer to the elements

Spirit of earth
We live from your gifts and walk all our lives on your back,
You give us strength, security, rest
You remind us of our bodies
Thank you for the inspiration of your vistas
Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you for the ability to stand firm

Spirit of water
Life emerged from your womb and depends on keeping you near
You give us health, refreshment, and cleanliness
You remind us of our unity with all life
Thank you for the blessing of rain, the thrill of rivers, and the majesty of the sea
Thank you for the water we drink
Thank you for the ability to change, to try on new forms

Spirit of fire
We live beneath your sun, and we live around your hearth
You give us energy, passion, and comfort
You remind us of our power
Thank you for the warmth of your glow
Thank you for the burning of our desire
Thank you for the ability to rise up and start something

Spirit of air
We live in you, move through you, and take you in to our bodies
You give us a sense of lightness, of possibility, and hope.
You remind us of our spiritual selves.
Thank you for the gentle touch of a breeze
Thank you for the air we breathe
Thank you for ability to see clearly what lies ahead

Loving all the elements of existence, taking them all in and ever-rearranging them, we wonder at the simplicity of being and it’s amazing complexity. We offer today our own simplicity and complexity to the eternal round of creation.

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