Monday, May 7, 2007


This blog will be a place where members of our church can discuss their spiritual practice. Authors of the blog will be able to post entires that describe their spiritual practice, teach others how to try out the practice, and describe insights they've received during their practice. Readers of the blog are encouraged to keep the discussion going by posting comments and questions. We also plan to have two meetings once a month or so at the church. One meeting, before Sunday service will be a half hour time to participate in a spiritual practice hosted by a member of the church. The other meeting, after a Sunday service will be a longer meeting for discussion and exploration of what all of us are doing.

Thanks for being here. And we hope to see you at church

1 comment:

ErikF said...

This blog and the meditation and prayer group are wonderful opportunities for spiritual development; as a member of both, I invite other interested UU of SCV congregants to join.

I hope that other members of the group will join me in working toward an event for the first Sunday in May, 2007, which is the National Day of Prayer. I hope that we will be able to develop the event in cooperation with other religious bodies in Santa Clarita Valley.

Here is a poem of which I am very fond. I am happy to have a way of sharing it with others:

A vein of sapphires
hides in the earth,
a sweetness in fruit;

and in plain-looking rock
lies a golden ore,
and in seeds,
the treasure of oil.

Like these,
the Infinite
rests concealed from the heart.

No one can see the ways
of our jasmine-white Lord (Shiva).

This poem is by Mahadeviyakka, a woman of the twelfth century.