Monday, March 30, 2009

prayer for the agnostic

Divine Spirit, who goes by so many names.
Who hides yourself in so many forms,
Who disguises yourself with diverse theologies and a-theologies,
Who may be nothing more than our own best thoughts,
Who may be nothing more than our highest human aspirations,
Who may be far more than we can comprehend or imagine,
We feel your presence with us and around us, through and among the people in this room, from the center of our being to the unending expanses of all existence.

Your presence calms us, comforts us and inspires us.

We bring our sadness and anxiety to the altar of this congregation and take them up again transformed into compassion and hope.

We bring our joys and plans to the altar of this congregation and take them up again transformed into service to others, and deeper resolve to manifest our ideals.

Thank you for the gift of creativity that makes poets of us all, working the rough clay of our existence into lives of beauty.

Thank you for a saving sense of humor, that keeps us humble before life’s immensity, and keeps us delighted before life’s wonders.

We pledge ourselves today, to greater love, to larger community, and to freer expression of the holy people you created us to be.


1 comment:

Rev. Tera Little said...

This is beautiful! I would like to use it, with credit to you. Thank you for sharing. Tera