Saturday, April 11, 2009

prayer for the spring

Gods and goddesses of the spring: Persephone, Eostre, Gaia, the Green Man, Mithra, Pan,

We revel in this your glorious season, when every bursting blossom testifies to the power of life, when every sprouting seed preaches new creation, when the lengthening days promise greater joy to come. Our hearts leap up in hope and anticipation of the quickly approaching day of yearly resurrection when all that seems dead and finished is found alive again.

Like any seed buried in the ground we know it will come up.

New healing for the sick and injured

It will come up (repeat after each line)

New community for the isolated and lonely
Comfort for the troubled
Solace for the grieving
New work for the unemployed
New homes for the homeless
A congregation of 150 Unitarian Universalists in the Santa Clarita Valley
A community garden
Marriage equality in the state of California
Marriage equality in the United States
Universal Health Care
Equitable distribution of our water resources
A sustainable economy based on conservation rather than consumption
Hastened development of renewable energy sources
Peace in Afghanistan
Peace in Iraq
Peace in all the world
Peace in our own hearts

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